What Happens on a Plant Medicine Retreat?

by | Nov 29, 2022 | Ayllu Medicina Plant Medicine Retreats

Humans have been connecting with plant medicines such as Ayahuasca for thousands of years. Now, there are different ways to meet the sacred plants, from attending plant medicine ceremonies to taking a pause and going on a retreat. But what happens on a plant medicine retreat? 

There are many different spiritual and wellness retreats out there, including yoga, meditation, and plant medicine retreats. This means that while ‘to retreat’ is to go inwards, there is no one answer to what happens on a retreat. However, here are some things that Ayllu Medicina’s transformational plant medicine retreats include. 

Ayahuasca Ceremonies

One of the reasons people attend a plant medicine retreat in South America is to connect with Grandma Ayahuasca, a sacred plant medicine from the Amazon that can provide healing in various ways. 

One piece of advice when meeting with plant medicines such as Ayahuasca is to avoid having any expectations! Even if you have watched countless documentaries or have heard a book’s worth of stories, it is best to go in with an open mind. Every plant medicine ceremony can be different, depending on what you need to work on to return to your center. 

Ayllu Medicina retreats include one or two Ayahuasca ceremonies, depending on the retreat. These Ayahuasca ceremonies are at night. 

We will meet before we sit with Grandma Ayahuasca so our guides, Aime and Hwaneetah, can give more details about the ceremony and the medicine. There is also a plant medicine dieta to follow before and during the retreat, along with other preparatory steps that you will discuss with our team when you sign up for a retreat.

San Pedro Ceremonies

A plant medicine retreat with Ayllu Medicina also includes a meeting with Grandfather San Pedro, also known as Awakolla or Huachuma. The San Pedro ceremony happens after you meet with Grandma Ayahuasca. We hold different San Pedro ceremonies depending on the retreat, such as a medicine sweat lodge, a power walk, or a night ceremony. 

Similar to wise grandparents, Grandfather San Pedro and Grandma Ayahuasca complement each other well. However, the two medicines native to Ecuador work in different ways to help you realign and return to your heart. 

The plant medicine dieta you will be following also helps the integration of Grandfather San Pedro. Usually, you fast for at least several hours before meeting with plant medicines such as San Pedro and Ayahuasca. The meals we provide you throughout the week will ensure you are well-nourished and ready for these ceremonies. 

Temazcals (Sweat Lodges)

An integral part of Ayllu Medicina plant medicine retreats are our temazcals, also known as sweat lodges. Temazcal originates from the Nahuatl word Temāzcalli, which has several different translations, including ‘house of heat.’ Temazcals are a powerful medicine that humans have used for cleansing the body, mind, and spirit since the time of Mesoamerica

Temazcals provide an opportunity to return to the womb of Mother Earth and shed what you no longer need. Our volcanic grandmother stones are heated in the fire and are placed in the womb, the sweat lodge, with us, Mother Earth’s children, ready for rebirth. Different incenses are placed on the stones before the door closes, darkness descends, and the heat begins to rise as water is poured over the stones. 

We have multiple temazcals throughout plant medicine retreats, which help integrate ceremonies, detoxify, purify, and help you let go of what no longer serves you. Sweat lodges vary in length and are done in different ways depending on where you attend a temazcal ceremony. 

Sharing Circles and Support

The day after our plant medicine ceremonies, we gather around the fire in our retreat container for a sharing circle. It is optional as to what you share, though we suggest sharing the ‘pearls’ of your experience. These sharing circles also give you the opportunity to connect with medicines such as Rapéh. 

It can take time to integrate what comes up in the ceremony, which is why it is important to also keep some of your experience for yourself. You will have plenty of rest time to journal, meditate, and integrate your experiences during retreats. Our Ayllu Medicina team will also be around if you have any questions or need support.

Rest and Time in Nature

It is called a ‘retreat’ for a reason, which is why what happens on a plant medicine retreat also involves stopping. To retreat is an opportunity to break your usual routine and take the time to look within without your everyday commitments or distractions. You will have plenty of space and downtime to be.  

You can watch the many birds around the retreat center or spend time by the river. Some retreats also include a beach visit or a medicine power walk, where we often spot monkeys, butterflies, and other wildlife. The retreat center is tucked away in a tropical oasis and also close to the ocean, so before or after the retreat, you can take a trip to Ecuador’s coastline. 


Our plant medicine retreats also include workshops, such as Moon Wisdom with Hwaneetah and song circles. You have the opportunity to connect to the powerful medicine of the womb, with these workshops offering invaluable wisdom for men and women. You can check our retreat schedule for specific workshop details. 

As our shaman Aime says; 

❝To sing is to pray twice.❞

Music is an integral part of our retreats and ceremonies. You will also have time to connect to sacred instruments, such as the hand drum, rattle, and mouth harp. You will also have the opportunity to learn medicine songs, such as those from Pajaros De Luz

Yoga and Meditation

Yoga is an integral part of our retreats, which helps provide grounding, peace, and alignment of your energy.

As our guide Hwanteetah says;

❝Medicine and meditation are derived from the same root word. Meditation is also medicine. Through meditation, you come to know your true self. Through a plant medicine ceremony, you experience your true self through meditation.❞

Experienced yoga teachers will guide you through the retreat week and provide tools you can also use when you return home. Ayllu Medicina’s yoga includes breathwork, movement practice, and meditation techniques suitable for all levels. We also work with yoga teachers who host retreats, such as Breathe and Flow.

Inner Work

You will have the opportunity to connect with different plant medicines, gain a new community, and learn about other sacred traditions of South America. But a lot of what happens on a plant medicine retreat depends on you. The inner work is one of the most important parts of what happens on a plant medicine retreat. 

The retreat container allows you to catch up with yourself and take a good look inside to remember who you are. By working on your inner world, your external world also begins to change. What comes up will be personal to your journey, but our retreats are designed to help support and guide you through the process back to your heart. 

Learn What Happens on a Plant Medicine Retreat

A lot of what happens on a plant medicine retreat is deeply personal, which is why it is best to have no expectations. However, take the time to find a retreat program that sparks your interest and honors the sacred traditions it shares. San Pedro and Ayahuasca retreats have different schedules, so this post is specific to Ayllu Medicina’s transformational plant medicine retreats. 

If you feel a call to connect with sacred plant medicines and experience what happens on a plant medicine retreat, it is time to take the next step; connect with us! We are happy to answer any questions you may have.